Friday, October 06, 2006

Wow! Two posts in one week!

I must be on a roll!
Actually, this will have to be quick. My two little ones are learning to "play" together. ("Play" translates to "big brother gives baby brother about 5 seconds to play with his toy; big brother proceeds to steal the toy from baby brother; baby brother proceeds to scream.) Yes, in the short time it took to type the translation, I had to get up and quickly remedy the situation.

Such is life with children . . .

Speaking of children, my oldest taught me an important lesson today. After dinner (frozen pizza, juice box, and leftover green beans, all served on paper plates), Jack looked up at me and asked, "Mom, do you keep your promises?"

After getting over the shock of having an almost-four-year old ask that question, I answered, "Well, I try to keep my promises."
Jack responded, "Mom, you should always keep your promises."

I picked him up and held him close for a minute before I responded. "That's right buddy. And you know what, I know someone who ALWAYS keeps His promises."

"Who is that, mommy?"

"God always keeps His promises to us, little one. Always."

What a blessing to be able to rest in the arms of a loving Father Who always keeps His promises to His children. He will never leave us or forsake us. He will always be with us. Nothing can ever separate us from His love. He works all things out for good for those who love Him and are called to His purpose.

Thanks, Jack, for reminding Mommy of these important truths today. I love you, little one.

Monday, October 02, 2006

It's been awhile Part 2

Is it legal to post two blogs with that title, even though they are both fitting?

Well, life in the Kealen household is intersting to say the least. Two boys are in bed, and the other needs to go to bed soon. All three of them have been crabby and testy today. (And, for those of you who actually visit this site, one of the aforementioned "boys" is Darling Husband. I will add no further comments to that statement.)

On to other news . . . .
I got a "promotion" last week. I say that with a faint sense of chagrin, because I got a new title, more responsibiity, but no raise so far. To be honest, I am glad that everyone thinks I can handle everything, but I am beginning to doubt myself. See, I don't need any more stress in my life. (If you have any doubt to that statement, it might help to know that the lovingly nicknamed "crabby and testy boys" are really stretching me right now. Can I handle working 30 hours a week (some at home, mind you) and being a wife and a mom?

On the plus side, my "promotion" gives me opportunity to write. And I get to be in God's Word every day and get paid for it! And I get to minister to teens through my writing. I love that part of what I do. I just don't like the politics (can't use certain pictures b/c the guy's hair is long).

So where does that leave me on this rainy Chicago evening? Waiting (albeit impatiently) for God to show me and DH what it is that He has next for us. Hoping that I have enough strength, faith, and wisdom to wait for the Almighty to reveal those plans. And, yes, wishing that the last "crabby and testy boy" will soon be ready for bed. :-)

In the meantime, I continue to rest and wait for my future of hope.

Monday, July 31, 2006

It has been a while . . .

This is why I didn't make any lofty promises to "blog every day." I knew there would be times when I wouldn't blog for weeks (perhaps months) at a time. However, since no one else seems to be reading this blog, I guess it doesn't matter too much.

Oh well . . .

Today my three-year-old son was watching me race through the house like a mad woman, and he asked, "Mom, where are you going?"
I replied, "Crazy. Wanna come with?"

That about sums up my life right now! I often find myself wondering, will things ever get any easier? Will I ever be able to work completely from home? Will I ever be able to have all the laundry done AND folded AND not have a load of dirty laundry left to do? Will my house ever be so clean that I will not be in a state of panic two weeks before my mom comes to visit? (Which, by the way, is the main reason that I was racing through the house today!)

Then I needed to take an internal look at my life. When was the last time my prayers were real? When was the last time my conversation with God was not interupted? When was the last time that my focus during prayer was on prayer, not on my day's to do list? When was the last time that I had truly listened. . . just listened to God.

I find that my soul is longing for a quiet time with God. Quiet, uninteruppted time with my Savior. Not just a few moments here or there, but REALLY focused on time with Him.

My schedule will not get any lighter; my laundry will alwasy be there for me to fold or wash or put away; my children will always be awake well before their intended hour. So when will this quiet time come?

I find myself longing as David did, and I find myself realizing that David knew what he was doing when he spent time with God "in the morning."

God, help me to find the discipline to meet with you in the morning, as David did, ready and willing and still. . . .

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A much happier mood

Well, it has been a while since I posted anything, which is the main reason I didn't begin blogging with the lofty goal of "blogging every day."

Life has been busy with two little boys, a husband, and a job. On top of all that, I am starting to do some freelance writing and editing at home. Maybe someday I can build up enough freelance work so that I can stay home with the boys. Who knows . . .

Anyway, I just wanted to drop a line, partly becuase I don't want to get out of the habit for recording stuff on my site, but also because I am trying to build more self-discipline. This is a good step in the right direction , I guess.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Meloncholy Mood

I don't even know where to begin this blog today. It has been a frustrating week, and it is only Tuesday!

First of all, the GARBC is having its annual conference this week. There are some major issues that need to be hashed out, and unfortunately, there are passionate people on both sides. I fear for this body of churches. I have found myself praying for God to work in hearts, because honestly, many hearts need to change. (Yeah, I know, I need to work on some stuff myself too.)

I can't even begin to understand the "Cedarville issue," so I won't even begin to try to explain it. There are many other people who are far more competent to explain that topic. However, I personally believe there are deeper issues that are under the surface.

Anyway, there are other issues that I have dealt with this week as well. A woman whom I highly respected from my former church went to be with the Lord on Sunday. My heart goes out to the family and to her many friends. Wilma will be dearly missed, yet I know that she is with her Savior. For that, I am grateful.

So where does this leave me tonight? I am in a meloncholy mood, which is normally not me. As I wait for more news from my friends at the conference, I find myself praying for the people involved. But, God, help me pray with an open heart, and not with a self-centered pious attitude.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Chris is gone

Chris Kealen passed away this morning, just after 7 a.m.

What can I say to this?
What do I say to Kent, who has lost his companion, his wife, his lover, his rock?
What can I say to Rachel, who will bury her mother on Friday and marry Brock on Saturday?
What do I say to Adam and Elizabeth, still new to marraige, yet facing the struggle of losing a mother and a mother-in-law?

God above, Father of all comfort, be Yourself and all that You are to Kent, Adam, Rachel, Elizabeth, and Brock. Tonight, let them experience You . . . nothing more, nothing less. Wrap Your heavenly comfort around their souls. Touch them in a real way. Reveal Yourself to them at this time when they are most vulnerable to see You. And, God, help them to recognize that Your love and plans for them go far beyond this mortal world. Give them heavenly vision to see that there is so much more in store.

As for the rest of us who were touched by this very special woman, grant us the wisdom, love, and patience to fight as she fought, and to win the battles that we face. For, dear Father, though some might say that Chris lost this battle, she really didn't. She won the battle, dear Lord. And now, she is able to stand in victory over her pain, over her suffering. She is complete in You, just as You created her to be. She has finally won.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Losing someone you love

We found out this evening that Chris, Nat's cousin, is near the end. Her battle with cancer is almost over; the disease is finally winning. Her body has rejected the donor bone marrow from a recent trnasplant, and the cancer has now completely filled her body.

The doctor met with the immediate family today. He shared with them that there was no hope left for Chris. Because she is so weak, the doctor doesn't believe that she will make it through the weekend.

Her daughter, Rachel, was to get married next Saturday, June 17.

Rachel called the rest of the family and told them that she has decided to get married tomorrow so that her mother won't miss the wedding.

Through her whole battle, Chris has been a rock. She has been so brave, and she has enjoyed life.

As I find myself sitting with my laptop this evening, my thoughts are with her and her family: Kent, Adam, Elizabeth, Rachel. My prayers are with them this evening. As they walk through this valley and face this shadow, I know that God will give them comfort and grace.

The passing of a loved one is truly a sacred, anguishing journey of love.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Going Away for the weekend

Yeah! We are leaving after church this morning to go to Camp Manitoumi! My dad-in-law is the director, so we have full access to everything from the horses to the pool. It is supposed to reach 90 today, so the pool may actually be tolerable, though probably still a bit cold.

Anyhoo, I am especially excited to be able to see my parents, who are also coming to camp. They plan to take Jack back home with them for several days. He is sooooooo excited! "Grandma Donna has a cool train for me!" That is all he has been talking about the past two days! What a riot!

Andrew is sure to be a big hit as well. I know I am prejudice, but I honestly beleive he is one of the cutest and sweetest little guys around. He has a great personality, and he loves to be around people, as long as someone he loves is nearby. He is crawling everywhere already, so I know he will be another go-getter, just like his brother. (sigh) I definitely have my work cut out for me as I try to raise these two!

Friday, May 26, 2006

New to the blogging thing

Okay. So here is my feeble attempt at blogging. I hope it will be more than my own ramblings, but I want so much to be able to share what goes on inside of my head.
I am pretty much a dreamer. My mind is usually going a mile a minute, thinking of everything from my deadlines at work to a fabuous idea for a melodramatic novel. (sigh) But who has time to do all of that?
As a mom of two little guys (ages 3 and 8 months), I feel like my life is consumed by them. They are constantly on my mind, and always in my heart. They are truly a joy, and I thank God each and every day for bringing them into my life. Though Nat and I are often exhuasted at the end of the day, we are truly blessed that God has seen fit to give us the privilege of rasising these little guys.
Along with my responsibilities as a wife and a mom, I am an editor at a Christian publishing company. I enjoy my work, especially since I can work part-time from home. However, it does keep my busy. I feel like it leaves little time for me.
So maybe this whole blogging thing will be good for me. I can use it as my stress relief.
Who knows?! I may find that I really enjoy it! :-)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Future of Hope

In an ever-changing world, I am thankful that the hope of my future is in the hands of the almighty. What a comfort to know that His promises hold true from generation to generation. I am truly blessed to be His child.