Thursday, June 08, 2006

Losing someone you love

We found out this evening that Chris, Nat's cousin, is near the end. Her battle with cancer is almost over; the disease is finally winning. Her body has rejected the donor bone marrow from a recent trnasplant, and the cancer has now completely filled her body.

The doctor met with the immediate family today. He shared with them that there was no hope left for Chris. Because she is so weak, the doctor doesn't believe that she will make it through the weekend.

Her daughter, Rachel, was to get married next Saturday, June 17.

Rachel called the rest of the family and told them that she has decided to get married tomorrow so that her mother won't miss the wedding.

Through her whole battle, Chris has been a rock. She has been so brave, and she has enjoyed life.

As I find myself sitting with my laptop this evening, my thoughts are with her and her family: Kent, Adam, Elizabeth, Rachel. My prayers are with them this evening. As they walk through this valley and face this shadow, I know that God will give them comfort and grace.

The passing of a loved one is truly a sacred, anguishing journey of love.

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