"Now it's Andrew's turn! Andrew, put your shirt down!"
"Andrew, stand up straight, please!"
(oh brother!)
"Okay, let's try one of you two together."
"Jack, please don't touch your brother. Andrew, can we try to get just one picture!??!?!?!"
"Just one?!?!?!"
I hope Jennifer had better luck with her camera!
I feel so bad for you; that must have been so frustrating. But alas, I couldn't stop laughing.... ;)
I can't believe how much they've grown. Regular little gentlemen now!!!
I hope you're able to get Jennifer's copies of these pics soon so we can see those too. :)
Hope you don't mind, but I tagged you in my post today. I think it's sooo fun! :) Don't have to participate but I hope you will. :)
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