Saturday, August 28, 2010

From the Lord

"For this child I have prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to Him. Therefore, I have lent him to the LORD. As long as he lives, he is lent to the LORD."

Thank you to all who have prayed for Samuel throughout this pregnancy. We are so thankful and blessed beyond measure to welcome this little gift from God.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Random Things, Part 4

I Love Your Daddy
Little One,
Eleven years ago, I married your Dad.

What a crazy, wild roller coaster ride this has been! It has not always been easy, but God has blessed our marriage in so many ways, namely in the three little blessings that God has chosen to give us.
I could go on and on, making this one of the mushiest posts ever, but that is not really your dad and me. Don't get me wrong; I love your Daddy very much, and I am all about the mushy stuff.
But what your dad and I have is built on something so much bigger than that. We have chosen to make a lifetime covenant between each other and our Heavenly Father. The love that comes from such a bond flows much deeper than heart flutters and daydreams.
I am so thankful that our marriage is based on commitment, trust, friendship, and love. Your dad and I are free to be ourselves, but we strive to be the best version of ourselves for each other - and for you, Andrew, and Jack.
We will never be perfect, and we will never see eye-to-eye on everything. So you may hear "discussions" and "arguments" from time to time, but I want you and your brothers to remember that the foundation that our family is built upon is firm. And we will do everything through God's strength and faithfulness to keep our home built and focused on Him.
So, little one, I want you to rest in the fact that I love your papa more than I ever thought possible. As I watch him playing with your two brothers, I can't help but imagine that in a few years, you get to join in the fun and craziness of time with daddy.

And that, baby, makes me one happy and thankful Mama!

Monday, August 02, 2010

Random Things, Part 3

3. Our House is beginning to look like a baby will live here soon!

The crib is all set up.
The teeny tiny clothes are washed and folded. (Thanks, Aunt Lisa and Grandma Donna!)
The Pack N Play is ready to be set up downstairs.
The cloth diapers are all sorted out in their sizes and stacks.
The car seat is ready to be installed in the van.
Mommy's bag is almost packed.
I finished sewing your receiving blankets yesterday, and I am trying to finish your burp cloths, quilt, and crocheted blanket.
So, what is still left to do? Well, first and foremost we probably need to get serious and decide on a name for you!
Here are some of the names Mommy and Daddy have been thinking about:
Luke (Daddy doesn't like this one at all, but it is still one of my favorites, so I had to include it on this list!)
Andrew still would like to name you Zacheus, but we assured him that you will not always be a "wee little man in mommy's tummy" and that you may need a different name.
Jack likes the names Isaac, Eli, Joshua, and Caleb.
Rest assured that by the time we get ready to take you home, we WILL have a name picked out for you!
As we get the final things in the house ready for your arrival, my mind is often pondering you.
What will you look like?
How will you act?
How big will you be?
When will you decide to come? (BTW: give me at least another week and a half, okay, buddy?)
As I think about all these things, I can't help but imagine in my mind a perfect little round face with a splotch of dark hair, and a tiny fist curled up to your perfect little cheek.
But you know what, little guy? If you end up being completely different from that mental image, it's okay. We will love you, no matter what.
So as I continue to ponder these little questions and finish the last-minute items on our list, I will be waiting for the moment that I can hold you close and whisper in your little ear,
"Momma loves you!"